You can help expand LGBTQIA+ inclusive healthcare in Greater Austin.

If you work in mental or physical healthcare – whether you are a physician, dentist, nurse, therapist, administrator, assistant, front desk staff, imaging tech, or any other position in a healthcare-related company – register your support for LGBTQIA+ inclusive healthcare in Greater Austin!

About Us

QWELL Community Foundation’s Queer Health Equity Program works to maximize access to LGBTQIA+ inclusive mental and physical healthcare in Greater Austin. 

QWELL invites every employee of a healthcare company, large and small, to join our partners, Central Health, Integral Care, and CommUnityCare in working to make Austin’s entire health system LGBTQIA+ inclusive. 

Greater Austin has the nation's 3rd largest openly LGBTQIA+ population.

The size of Greater Austin's openly LGBTQIA+ population is equivalent to the entire population of Waco.

LGBTQIA+ patients have difficulty finding inclusive healthcare providers.

The Austin/Travis County Community Health Improvement Plan, QWELL and Dell Medical School's annual research study, and the City of Austin's LGBTQIA+ Quality of Life Study all agree that Greater Austin does not have enough LGBTQIA+ inclusive providers to serve this large population.

Negative healthcare experiences hurt population health.

55% of local LGBTQIA+ Austinites have had a negative healthcare experience related to their LGBTQIA+ identity. 1 in 3 do not seek medical attention when they need it for fear of more negative experiences.

Why Join Us

Together, you, and every healthcare employee who wants to provide LGBTQIA+ inclusive care, become part of an influential movement to improve health and healthcare in Greater Austin.

Connect with LGBTQIA+ patients

QWELL will refer LGBTQIA+ patients to providers and related services with employees who are committed to providing LGBTQIA+ inclusive care.

Influence other health systems

When you register with us, you inspire your colleagues, in your own healthcare company and in other companies, to also commit to providing LGBTQIA+ inclusive healthcare.

Complete the circle of care in Greater Austin

Health equity is a process of increasing inclusion and access to culturally-sensitive care and LGBTQIA+ inclusion is one of the largest unmet needs in our community.

Access training opportunities

You may require new skills and knowledge to provide LGBTQIA+ inclusive healthcare. QWELL will connect you with the help you need to fully realize your commitment to health equity.

New Members

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